The name EUKLID, recalling the basis of Scientifical thought, has been the source of inspiration and passion that moved us since our first steps in 2016.
Mathematics, in all its widest evolutions, Calculus, enhanced by the capabilities of high performance computing, open once unthinkable frontiers into reachable goals.
Our way is creating a new simple tool emerging from a world of high complexity.
Our way is creating through new methodologies a technological instrument capable of supporting evidence based decision processes, aimed to create new wealth.
Our algorithms designed to identify systemic downturns and keep up gains while major international losses develop, have already proven their capabilities in all recent major crisis, from the COVID outburst to the Ukraine War, from the small american banks of March 2023 to the recent VIX spikes of August 2024.
While being among pioneers in the applications of Scientifical methods to financial markets, we stand at the beacon of innovation in the financial forecasting industry and have maintained our status of a founders led company.

To innovate the financial industry by continuously investing in Research & Development to offer a reliable, science-based approach to investments.
Our system is designed to steadily perform positive results even while dramatic changes in market conditions develop. This resilience is a result of meticulous engineering aimed at thriving in turbulent times, thereby providing stability and profitability to clients.
We produce predictive forecasts that enable decision-makers in the financial sector to leverage the ongoing flow of scientific developments and reap the benefits.

EUKLID develops multi-purpose algorithmic models that can be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of its customers, delivering results above expectations.
Our analytical research model is capable of updating the solutions range through a continuous and systematic information flow as innovations emerge.
It offers tools and implements technology solutions that today's companies need to tackle the challenges present in an ever-changing market.

Our scientific team learns from data, combining computer technologies and human expertise
to develop customized solutions. This specific mix of capabilities and well balanced cocktail of the most reliable theoretical formulas we have created and refined through years of testing, places EUKLID in the top section of the market of high end technological services, above all other closed or so called "black box" solutions.
Our analytical models are designed to forecast future prices of assets such as stocks, commodities, and indexes using an efficient and market-based approach based on historical time series.

EUKLID uses as a partner for the optimization of its investment models the MODELOMNI platform which implements highly innovative technologies that are illustrated at modelomni.com.
The fine tuning of the combined scientifical theories at the basis of the analytical models grants a continuous and steady performance with a superior standard above market average.
Download here a document with the details of the partnership.
EUKLID / MODELOMNI partnership

EUKLID is a technology development company that realizes customizable systems of algorithms of Time Series Forecasting applied to financial stocks, commodities, indexes and other purposes.
Due to varying regulations worldwide, we kindly advise visitors to this website to send us an email at info@euklid.uk.com to receive a description of our services.


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